Congratulations to another of our Long Service Carers

Rita has been with Care Wyvern for 18 Years. She is such a dedicated carer we are privileged to have her on board. On a personal note Rita was one of the first carers that Emma, our Business development officer , worked with. Emma remembers fondly the evening working a double shift with Rita!
Thank you for all you do for Care Wyvern, to support new carers and our clients Rita!
If you are interested in becoming a carer and Rita has inspired you why not call Emma today and she can tell you all about Care Wyvern and what we do to support our clienst in the community.
We are looking for a home care worker superhero in the crowd. That one person who stands out and says I want to make a difference.Could you be that person?

Clare the Super carer
Are you dedicated?
Are you patient?
Are you empathetic?
Are you reliable?
Do you say yes to all these things with your hand on your hips?
No two days will be the same even though many of your clients will be,and we want you to enjoy your time building a professional relationship with your clients,which is why we have set time slots with each client.
Call Emma today!